Tuesday, November 3rd

President Klaus Iohannis has strongly condemned the terror attack in Vienna

The Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, has strongly condemned the heinous terror acts in Vienna. In a message posted on Twitter, Mr. Iohannis has expressed his sympathy to the victims’ families and underlined Romania’s solidarity with Austria. „Terrible news from Austria today. I strongly condemn these heinous acts of terror. My condolences to the families and close ones of the victims. Romania stands in solidarity with #Austria”, President Iohannis wrote. Four people were killed and another 22 were injured during the attack. The gunman, who was killed by police minutes after he opened fire on crowded bars, was identified as a 20-year-old convicted jihadist released from jail less than a year ago, after authorities decided that he was no longer a threat.

Romania reports a record number of COVID-19 infections

The number of new coronavirus cases reported by Romanian medical authorities on Tuesday has risen to 7.733. There are 1,200 more cases than the previous record, reported on Friday. Around a quarter of the 30,000 Romanians who were tested for coronavirus during the last 24 hours received positive results. Most new cases were recorded in the capital Bucharest – 762, followed by the county of Cluj, with 355 cases and Timis, with 318 cases. There were also 120 deaths related to COVID-19 and 974 patients are currently admitted to Intensive Care – the highest numbers yet.

The Romanian Prime Minister has met his Israeli counterpart în Tel Aviv

The mutual interest of Romania and Israel is to extend and deepen their common dialogue in various areas of concern, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has said on Tuesday in Tel Aviv, in a common statement with his Israeli counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu. Mr. Orban underlined the opportunity to develop the two countries’ partnership in innovative technologies and welcomed the Israeli interest in common projects in the energy sector. Ludovic Orban also expressed his gratitude for the excellent cooperation with the Israeli authorities in managing the pandemic.

Mădălina Brotăcel, RADOR