Monday, April 19-th

The ruling coalition’s weekly meeting

The crisis generated by the dismissal of the health minister Vlad Voiculescu could be resolved today in the weekly meeting of the ruling coalition. Prime Minister Florin Cîțu said yesterday that he is still waiting for USR-PLUS to nominate a new health minister, considering that the portfolio belongs to this political party. The governing coalition can go further, added Florin Cîțu, specifying that, as head of the executive, he will evaluate the ministers according to what they do and not to what they say. On the other hand, the Senate chairman, Anca Dragu, member of USR PLUS, criticized yesterday the prime minister’s decision to dismiss Vlad Voiculescu and admitted that there are problems within the coalition./opopescu

The highest rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection is in Ilfov County, followed by the Capital and Cluj County

In Romania, 2,265 new cases of COVID-19 were reported yesterday, after performing less than 19,500 tests. It is the lowest toll in the last seven weeks. The most new diseases were again registered in Bucharest: 462. The authorities also announced another 160 deaths associated with the new coronavirus, and there are now 1,475 patients in Intensive Care units. The highest infection rate is still in Ilfov County, followed by the Capital and Cluj County, each with over five cases per thousand inhabitants in the last 14 days. Another seven counties are in the red zone, registering an incidence of SARS-CoV-2 effects of over 3 cases per thousand inhabitants./opopescu

Two police officers were detained, in the case of a man who died in Piteşti after their intervention

Two police officers were detained yesterday for their intervention against a man who died on Friday, while he was evacuated from a terrace in Pitești – according to the chief prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Argeș Tribunal. The authorities have opened an investigation into the circumstances of the man’s death. Prime Minister Florin Cîțu asked the Interior Minister, Lucian Bode, for a quick investigation in this case. A 63-year-old man died on Friday, after he was put on the ground and immobilized by a policeman because he refused to leave a terrace affected by a fire. Forensic doctors established that his death occurred as a result of mechanical asphyxia after compression of the neck and chest, and not as a result of a cardiorespiratory unrrest, as initially specified by the Argeș Police./opopescu