Thursday, September 23, 2021


The negative evolution of the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic in Romania has boosted the vaccination campaign

The negative evolution of the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic in Romania has boosted the vaccination campaign – almost 13,750 people have received, in the last 24 hours, the first dose, or the serum in unique dose, one of the highest numbers in the last months. Vaccination numbers keep rising in recent days but are far behind the record registered in the spring, when more than 60,000 people would get vaccinated daily. Meanwhile, authorities decided to allow the booster dose, as in other countries, because of the more contagious Delta variant spreading. The booster dose can be taken as of Tuesday and can be taken by people who have been vaccinated with the complete scheme more than six months ago. Official data shows that approximately one million people would be eligible to get the booster dose, those who, by the end of March had been vaccinated with two doses. There are some, still, some categories considered a priority to be given the third dose.

The third dose is strongly recommended to people with a high risk of developing severe forms of COVID-19: people aged 65 or older, people with chronical illnesses or residents of medical-social centers.


A ship belonging to the Romanian Naval Forces joins the EUNAVFOR MED “Irni” Operation, in the Mediterranean Sea


One ship belonging to the Romanian naval Forces, “Vice admiral Constantin Bălescu” is leaving today from the military port of Constanţa to join the EUNAVFOR MED “Irni” Operation, in the Mediterranean Sea, between October 1st and December 31st. Romanian marines will insure respecting the embargo on arms imposed to Libya by the United Nations. Their mission also targets countering illegal trafficking of oil products, drugs and people by monitoring sea traffic and inspections of the suspect ships in the Mediterranean Sea. On board the ship there is fighting divers squad. The 85 members of the crew have received vaccines against COVID, they have been tested and quarantined in the Romanian Naval Forces housing facilities before leaving in their mission.


Ten Afghan migrants have been caught trying to illegally cross the border to Hungary

Ten Afghan migrants have been caught trying to illegally cross the border with Hungry, hidden in a truck that has been checked at Nădlac 2 border crossing. The truck was driven by a Romanian and was registered in Romania and, according to documents, it was transporting tires to Germany – said the Border Police in Arad. The ten Afghan are aged between 14 and 41, and most of them have asked for asylum in our country. Officers investigate to find out if the men have been helped in their attempt to cross the border illegally.