Around 10,000 people have entered Romania through Siret Border Crossing Point in the last 25 hours


Arout ten thousand people have entered the country through the Siret Border Crossing Point in the last 24 hours, and more than half of them are Ukrainian citizens. Students, expats and tourists are among those who entered the country, leaving Ukraine because of the war. There were 192 Ukrainian refugees in the Siret camp on Monday morning, close to the maximum capacity of 201. Most of them lack identity documents and are waiting for their situation to be clarified and to be transferred to accomodation centers.
Cosmin Costi, a student at the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, is a volunteer from the Archdiocese of Suceava and Radauti, and on Monday he helped several Ukrainian families find shelter:
Cosmin Costi: „I engage in translation – I am a volunteer translator – and I try as much as possible to facilitate the communication of Ukrainians with border police officers, with people who offer them accommodation. We offer food, hot tea, clothes, even blankets – it’s very cold right now. We work as volunteer team. People are calling, because they are in great need of shelter, especially for the children who are staying with their mothers.”

Translated by Mădălina Brotăcel/mbrotacel