Dozens of refugees, housed in Brasov with the support of the Holy Trinity Church in Şchei


Dozens of Ukrainian refugees are already housed in Brasov, with the support of the Holy Trinity Church in Schei. In fact, the priestess here is Ukrainian, born in a family of priests from Chernivtsi, and now she offers all her support to her fellow citizens who managed to escape the conflict zone.

Mariana and Elena are two mothers who came to Brasov with their children. The women remember, through tears, what the day was like when their country was invaded by Russian troops:
„Everyone is afraid that we will not know what will happen overnight. Everyone left an old grandmother at home, an old man (…) even the dog and the cat to leave them, crying and leaving home „, said Elena Procopciuc.
„The children are at school, in kindergarten, at dances. On Thursday morning we dressed them to go to school and kindergarten and the educators wrote us that the children are staying at home. (…) At first I didn’t understand what the situation was and a mother wrote „Don’t you know that the war started?”, Mariana Puiu told us.

The eldest of the children understood the situation and hoped to return to their pre-war life as soon as possible.
„It was a peaceful life, everything was happy, it was a happy life, but when the war started, everyone began to fear for their families. At the border, everyone was thinking about him, they were talking badly, they were pushing each other, they were panicking „, said Bogdan Puiu.

The priest Aurelian Reit, from the Church from Şchei, collects aid and the necessary things for those from Chernivtsi, where his brother-in-law is archpriest. Through this, the church in Brașov contacted the deputy governor of the region and prepared the necessary things.
„And the deputy governor also asked us to put in the trucks with aid from here – and we call on this way, if possible – medicines and hats and gloves for the Ukrainian army and to write on the respective pallets” For the Ukrainian army ” and the rest, of course, help for people who are in endless queues „, said the priest Aurelian Reit.

Several mothers and their children, hosted by the Brasov church, will leave, on Wednesday, for Italy where their husbands and fathers are waiting for them. The others remain in Braşov until the situation allows them to return home safely to Ukraine.