Romanian County offers assistance to Ukrainian refugees who want to work in Romania

Authorities in Mureş County, in central Romania, issued a series of leaflets available to Ukrainian refugees in Romanian and Ukrainian. The leaflets contain relevant information on the Romanian labor market. According to the leaflets, Ukrainian refugees can work in Romania for 12 months, without specialized professional training or experience in a field, and the 12-month period can be further extended. The authorities in Mureş offer to Ukrainians the same services that the Romanian citizens benefit from, free of charge. Elisabeta Bogdan, from the Mureş County Employment Agency, said: „Mureş County Employment Agency (AJOFM) offers free information and counseling to Ukrainian refugees, mediation with an employer, preferably from our county. If Ukrainian citizens do not have proper qualification, they may take free vocational training courses, and their employment formalities are simplified.”/mbaciu