Support for Ukrainians affected by the war

The Olt County Council is giving 400,000 lei from its Reserve Fund to support Ukrainian citizens affected by the war. The money will go to the accounts of The National Red Cross Society – Olt Subsidiary which will use it for various humanitarian activities in Ukraine.

Also, Mehedinti County Council has adopted a draft resolution to allocate 50,000 lei from its own revenues as financial aid for Ukrainian citizens. The donation was made by means of the Mehedinti Subsidiary of the National Red Cross Society which will use the money to purchase goods that refugees urgently need. In order to support Ukrainians who are fleeing the war in their country, The Dolj County Council has made available 100 accommodation places in three boarding houses of special schools subordinated to this institution and in two family houses owned by the Dolj Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection.

There are also 45 places available at Parc Hotel in Craiova, for any Ukrainian refugee. During their stay in these locations that are under the control of The Dolj City Council, all refugees will receive three meals a day.

Translated by Mădălina Brotăcel