
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that although negotiations with the Ukrainian side have been difficult, there is some hope for a compromise. He said he drew that conclusion based on the views of members of his country’s delegation, as well as some of Ukraine’s representatives in the talks, including advisers to President Volodymyr Zelensky. According to the Radio Romania correspondent in Moscow, regarding the condition of demilitarization, Russia – Lavrov said – is ready to agree with Ukraine on the types of weapons that do not pose a threat to Moscow. On Wednesday, the head of the Russian delegation to the negotiations with Ukraine, Vladimir Medinsky, said that the talks were difficult, but Russia wanted to reach peace as soon as possible and conclude an agreement that would last for generations. Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia’s position sounded more realistic, but added that it would take time for the decisions to benefit Ukraine.