
3SI – Romania’s president, Klaus Iohannis, is today attending the 7th edition of the Three Seas Initiative Summit and the 4th edition of the Three Seas Initiative Business Forum, both hosted by Riga, Latvia. Leaders of 3SI participant states will look at approaches to the current security framework in Europe in the context of the war in Ukraine. Participants will also discuss the contribution of the Three Seas Initiative by implementing strategic interconnection projects in the three key sectors of 3SI: transport, energy and digital infrastructure. According to the Romanian presidency, president Klaus Iohannis will reiterate Romania’s support for Ukraine at both bilateral and multilateral levels. At the same time, Klaus Iohannis will highlight the importance of providing the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine with support in their efforts to join the European Union. The Three Seas Initiative is a political platform bringing together 12 EU Member States located between the Adriatic, Baltic and Black Seas.

MEETING – EU Foreign Ministers are today meeting in Luxembourg to discuss ways of getting millions of tons of grain out of Ukraine. Ukraine is currently unable to export its grain due to the Russian blockade in the Black Sea. Ukraine is one of the world’s largest grain exporters. Over 20 million tons of grain are currently stockpiled in silos as a result of the Russian invasion. Moscow denies any responsibility for the food crisis and claims Western sanctions are responsible for the increase in food prices at global level and the shortage of food in underdeveloped countries that rely on grain imports.

REFUGEES – The Border Police Inspectorate announced that 9,231 Ukrainian citizens entered on Sunday in Romania, down by 15% compared to the previous day. Some 1.2 million Ukrainian refugees have entered Romania since the start in the war in Ukraine on February 24. In a message marking World Refugee Day on June 20, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă recalls that Romania displayed solidarity with Ukrainian refugees and will continue to provide them with all the necessary conditions to ensure their social and economic integration. The Prime Minister also said that, of the total number of Ukrainian refugees who entered Romania, 80,000 chose to stay, opting for the protection and security Romania provides.