Ukraine has accused the Russian army of using the platform of the nuclear power plant they occupied in Zaporozhe to launch attacks in the southern region of Nikopol, an industrial area on the Dnieper River. Ukraine has lashed out at the International Atomic Energy Agency for not putting enough pressure on Moscow to pull out its troops from the plant. According to Ukraine’s security service, on Friday night, the Ukrainian army managed to bring down two Russian warplanes. The Russians shelled the city of Kramatorsk in Donbas while in Donetsk, several Russian rockets have destroyed the railway infrastructure and also hit civilian targets. The anti-aircraft defence system of Ukrainian capital Kyiv on Friday managed to shoot down a Russian missile and in Mykolaiv an Orlan-10 Russian drone has been shot down by the Ukrainian forces. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has appointed a fresh regional government in Cernauti, close to the NATO border.