Newsflash – July 22, 2022

Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia each signed, with Turkey and the UN, an agreement that will allow Ukraine to resume grain exports via the Black Sea. „This agreement will bring relief for developing countries on the brink of bankruptcy and the most vulnerable people on the edge of famine”, by helping to stabilize global food prices, said UN Secretary-General António Guterres. The document, signed in Istanbul, aims to unblock three Ukrainian ports and guarantee the delivery of millions of tons of grain. According to the BBC, there are three main provisions of the agreement. The first is that Russia must guarantee a truce for the duration of the shipments. Second, Ukraine must guarantee the guidance of ships through mined waters. Also, Turkey, with the help of the UN, must guarantee the security of the ships and inspect their cargo, because the Russian authorities fear possible arms smuggling. The EU has described the agreement as a step forward in the right direction and called for a rapid implementation.

Refugees. The Romanian Border Police announced on Friday that 11,511 Ukrainian nationals had entered Romania on Thursday, 4.5% fewer than the previous day. According to a news release, border checks are conducted efficiently and in line with the national and EU legislation, and border police units are working at full capacity.