Thursday, February 23, 2023

Schools in Gorj district affected by the earthquakes last week will receive 51 million lei, for rehabilitation

Schools in Gorj district that were affected by earthquakes last week will receive 51 million lei for rehabilitation, at the decision on Wednesday of the executive. The development minister, Cseke Attila, also presented a project that is being approved, stipulating a nationwide action of risk evaluation for earthquakes, for the majority of buildings in Romania. Therefore, all studying and sanitary units, but also buildings used by the public will be evaluated next year, while residential buildings will be evaluated in 2025.
Cseke Attila: First, we will create a new governmental program, for seismic consolidation of all schools with the first-grade seismic risk.

An avalanche took place today, in Rodnei Mountains

This afternoon, an avalanche took place in Rodnei Mountains, Borşa area. A group of Polish skiers has been caught by the avalanche.
One tourist among the Polish skiers has died and two others are alive and will be evaluated, according to the ISU Maramureş spokesman, Cornel Băbuţ. Intervention teams are at the place of the accident. Sabin Cornoiu, president of Salvamont Romania, comes with further details:
Sabin Cornoiu: Recent high temperatures and this continuous rise in temperatures have caused this avalanche. The announcement came from one of the survivors. One of his colleagues is dead. We will make an evaluation of the area to see if there is a risk of secondary avalanches. At this moment, the snow in the area is very heavy, very wet, and, in an avalanche, it has a high force.

The minister of research, innovation and digitalization, Sebastian Burduja, says that eight in ten Romanians don’t have digital abilities

The minister of research, innovation and digitalization, Sebastian Burduja, says that eight in ten Romanians don’t have digital abilities. He also says that, for this reason, the state must prepare citizens for the digitalization process, counting on a series of partnerships with the local authorities an the Romanian Postal Services.

Sebastian Burduja: It’s useless to offer online public services, for example, a criminal record, if a Romanian who is being asked for such a document doesn’t know how to access a site, how to download, how to use a smart device. For this great challenge, to prepare a basic level of digital abilities, we count on partnerships with the local public administration, the private environment, the great technological companies, the Romanian National Company for Postal Services. Mailmen have also started to gain digital abilities. For example, when they enter Romanians’ homes, they can show them how to use ghiş, how to make an account, how to get a criminal record online./aionita