Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Romania will insure, for the third time, the services of Aerian Police for the Baltic states

Romania will insure, for the third time, the services of Aerian Police for the Baltic states. During this week, the level of preparedness of the detachment has been evaluated. The personnel will be sent to an aerian base in Lithuania.
The Romanian military planes will insure the services of Aerian Police in an area transited by Russian airplanes that fly regularly to Kaliningrad. Often, they come close to the NATO air space, without communicating with the Air Traffic Control or communicating a flight plan. The planes allocated to the NATO mission on Aerian Police in the Baltic area are often launched to visually identify planes of the Russian Federation Armed Forces. The Romanian squad will be formed of 100 military and four F-16 airplanes. The mission will take place between April and June 2023, in the Siauliai Air Base, ijn Lithuania.

Romania and Japan decide to raise their cooperation to the highest level

Romania and Japan decided to raise their cooperation at the highest level and they are following three main domains: foreign politics and security, economic cooperation and cooperation in the fields of culture, science and technology. During an official visit to Tokyo, president Klaus Iohannis and prime minister Fumio Kishida signed yesterday the Strategic Partnership between the two countries, as well as two memorandums – one of which will facilitate the construction, at Măgurele, of an optic production center and the other one concerning the banking field. The Romanian president has been welcomed by emperor Naruhito.

The concept of personalized medicine will be introduced in the Romanian legislation

The Romanian legislation will include the concept of personalized medicine. The Senate has modified, in this direction, the law of patients’ rights. Personalized medicine means that patients who suffer from the same illness will receive different treatments, based on a recommendation of a specialist and only after they are presented with the benefits and possible risks of the medical options they have.
Personalized medicine is the medicine of the future, says PNL senator Nicoleta Pauliuc, who explains the fact that, this way, each patient will receive specific medical services.
Dr. Adrian Streinu-Cercel, the social-democrat president of the Health Commission in the Senate, sustained the draft, being one of its initiators.
The document will be sent to the Deputy Chamber, which is the decisional forum in this case.

Alexandra Ioniță