
The Romanian defence minister Angel Tîlvăr and the chief of defence staff, general Daniel Petrescu, on Friday attended the 11th meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group held in Ramstein, Germany. According to a statement from the Romanian defence ministry, the meeting reiterated, both on a practical and a conceptual level, the unity of over 50 democratic states and international organisations in their support of Ukraine, a nation determined to protect its internationally recognised borders in the face of a brutal and unprovoked invasion. Tîlvăr conveyed Romania’s support for Ukraine’s right to self-defence and highlighted the need for the international support for Ukraine to continue as long as necessary. „It is now very clear that the president Putin’s plan to divide us has failed”, the Romanian official is quoted as saying. He also advocated the need to support states in the Black Sea region like the Republic of Moldova and Georgia who are exposed to hybrid threats, cyber attacks and propaganda and disinformation attempts by Russia.