Friday, July 28, 2023

GDS considers that the decision of the Supreme Court to acquit Gheorghe Ursu’s torturers is the most radical judicial form of rehabilitating the communist totalitarianism

The Group for Social Dialogue (GDS) considers that the decision of the Supreme Court to acquit Gheorghe Ursu’s torturers is the most radical judicial form of rehabilitating the communist totalitarianism after the Revolution. This way, the organization says, the trust in a justice that can see the clear nature of a totalitarian regime and that can adequately punish the specific oppression is compromised. To better understand the moral filth of the decision we have to imagine the outraged horror the entire world would have felt had the Nuremberg judges acquitted the nazi officers, said GDS. Yesterday, the Supreme Court acquitted the former security officers Marin Pârvulescu and Vasile Hodiş of the accusation of inhumane treatment, arguing that the dissident Gheorghe Rusu was not an opponent of the Communist regime and that, furthermore, the so called oppressing and intimidation actions used by the Securitate are still being used today, in criminal investigations.

The international Atlantykron summer camp starts today in Capidava

An already traditional summer camp to the national and international community starts today on the little island of Inelul de Piatră (The Stone Ring) in Capidava. The event is called Atlantykron and its organizers and guests come from various fields. They are academics, researchers, writers, artists and entrepreneurs.
Held under the slogan “We connect minds, we build the future”, the Atlantykron summer camp aims at each edition to create a space in which people with common ideas and passions can connect and collaborate to come with new ideas and innovations.
The unusual academic, organized in nature, away from urban civilization, aims to offer young people the access to knowledge and reunites international experts and last generation technology on an island with a surface of less than one square kilometer. Organized along with the Atlantykron Association, in a partnership with several associations, NGOs and clubs in the country, the camp brings together more than 400 participants who will be able to attend presentations, workshops, debates and projects on a large area of subjects, from science and technology to arts and philosophy. The activities include the traditional live video-conference with NASA concerning its missions on Mars, lectures dedicated to science and literature but also to artificial intelligence, book releases, art exhibitions.

Romania will have the second biggest guarantee-return system in Europe

Romania will have the second biggest guarantee-return system in Europe, after Germany, said Mircea Fechet, minister of the environment, in Cluj. The purpose of this program is recycling of one billion bottles, cans and plastic bottles a year.
Mircea Fechet: Starting on November 30th, we will implement in Romania the second biggest guarantee-return system in Europe. After Germany, the Romanian state will be the one benefitting from such a system. We will manage over seven billion cans, plastic bottles and glass bottles a year, which represents an amazing number. This is a project that the Minister of Environment worked a lot for and that I personally have supported greatly./aionita

RADOR – Alexandra Ionita