More than 450 Ukrainian men have illegally crossed the border with Romania since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, to flee the war. Of these, 190 took refuge this year. The Ukrainians have either crossed the borders with Romania and the Republic of Moldova illegally, or they entered by corrupting customs officers and border policemen from Ukraine. The Romanian Border Police reported that the people were detected in Botoşani county (north-east) and requested a form of protection from the Romanian state, as a result of the fact that they are coming from a conflict zone. The border police notified the General Inspectorate for Immigration, and the persons in question were taken over by the Regional Accommodation Center for Asylum Seekers in Rădăuţi. After martial law was declared in the neighboring country, Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 no longer have the right to leave the national territory and are obliged to join the army the army, if necessary.