Our military continue to make the army a genuine ambassador of Romania internationally, President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday, at a ceremony marking the Romanian Army Day. The head of state showed that Europe is currently facing an unprecedented crisis. „Peace and the entire security climate at global level are threatened by regional conflicts, witch could escalate. Europe is facing an unprecedented crisis since the Second World War as a result of the Russian Federation’s brutal and illegal military aggression against Ukraine, while the shocking and reprehensible terrorist attack on October 7 against the State of Israel risks to completely destabilize the Middle East in the long term,” Iohannis pointed out. The President also said that, at present, due to NATO membership and the Strategic Partnership with the United States, Romania benefits from the most solid security guarantees in history. The Romanian army undergoes a full modernization and transformation process and has already reached, under many aspects, the NATO standards, the Minister of Defense, Angel Tîlvăr said in turn.

Eugen Cojocariu, Radio Romania International