Newsflash RRI

G7+ – The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminiţa Odobescu, participated, on Tuesday, in the G7+ meeting on supporting the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, in the Ministers of Foreign Affairs format, at the invitation of the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, in which context she emphasized the importance of a constant international support for Kiev. According to the MFA, Odobescu emphasized the role of the US in mobilizing partner states in efforts to support Ukraine’s energy sector. The head of Romanian diplomacy also mentioned the multidimensional assistance offered by Romania to the neighboring state, stressing the emergency support provided in the energy field. The meeting took place in videoconference format, with the participation of the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmitro Kuleba. The G7+ format dedicated to Ukraine’s energy infrastructure was launched last November in Bucharest. Officials from the USA, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Sweden and Norway took part in the fourth edition in this format organized on Tuesday , together with representatives of the EU, the European Energy Community and the United Nations Development Program.