Wednesday, December 13, 2023

“The Reconstruction of Ukraine and the Strategic Role of Romania” conference is taking place in Sinaia

Romanian and foreign officials will participate, for two days, in Sinaia, at The Reconstruction of Ukraine and the Strategic Role of Romania Conference. The event, organized by New Strategy Center, takes place under the patronage of the Romanian government and it is the largest such action in our country. The director of the organization, George Scutaru, said that it is in Romania’s interest that Ukraine is a prosperous, democratic and stable state, integrated in the European Union and NATO, a good neighbor to our country:
George Scutaru: There will be Romanian dignitaries, ministers, ministers from the Republic of Moldova, Ukrainian officials, lots of companies, lots of experts, special representatives for the reconstruction of Ukraine form France, Italy, Greece, Germany who will come to Sinaia to present their opinion and, that way, us, Romanians, will have the opportunity to better understand how this process of reconstruction will take place and, also, to plead for the role that Romania can play in this process.

One of the most dangerous sexual predators in Romania has been brought home to execute his sentence

One of the most dangerous sexual predators in Romania was brought last night in the country to execute his sentence, according to the Minister of Justice. Grad Ioan was sentenced to ten years in jail for rape, deprivation of freedom and public disorder. The Romanian authorities had included him on the list of most wanted people in Europe.

The minister of defense, Alin Tîlvăr, will make a visit in Turkey

Romania, Turkey and Bulgaria wish to sign, in January, a common treaty to establish a Demining Force in the Black Sea. The Romanian minister of defense, Alin Tîlvăr, has scheduled a visit in Turkey, to sign this document along with his Turkish and Bulgarian counterparts. The treaty will be an open one and it might be joined by Georgia and Ukraine, after the war with Russia is over. Sources from the Romanian minister of defense say that 151 mines have been found in the Black Sea, six of which in our territorial waters. The highest number of mines were found in the Ukrainian territorial waters. The mines come from the present conflict in Ukraine but there are also some historical ones, since The Second World War./aionita