May 30, 2024

Romanian government meeting on normative acts

Romania’s government is expected to bring changes to a law on expropriation for reasons of public utility at its meeting on Thursday. The changes come following a request of the country’s Economy Ministery in its attempt to step up expropriations expected to allow an extension of production capacities for defence matters or other strategic interests. Also on Thursday, the Cabinet is expected to pass an emergency order designed to allow digital transformation in local public authority as part of a national programme in the field. The change would make public services available online. By improving such services, local authorities can save money, increase the quality of services, and allow professionals to focus on their area of expertise rather than administrative tasks.

Information campaign of Romania’s Foreign Ministry

The Foreign Ministry of Romania runs several campaigns designed to inform and alert Romanian citizens traveling abroad on possible  emergency situations. Most recently, the ministry launched a SMS to be received on mobile phones as Foreign Ministry director Bogdan Stănescu told Radio Romania on Thursday. The newly created SMS goes in addition to Facebook messages or other soocial media channels. The new device sends instant data about Romania’s embassy or consulate in the area.

Romania’s DNA on alert

Officers of Romania’s anticorruption watchdog, the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) raided the police headquarters in Bucharest’s sector 1 where 12 police officers were arrested on corruption charges. The arrests come following a complaint put forward by Sector 1 mayor Clotilde Armand. The officers belong to the Public Order Service and Road Traffic Bureau, and they will be suspended from duty, according to a statement issued by Sector 1 City Hall on Thursday.

Alexandru Danga