The head of the Romanian diplomacy Luminita Odobescu is today participating in a conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine underway in Berlin. The conference,  brings together representatives of the governments and the private sector, including 10 Prime Ministers. ”Urgent solutions for Ukraine’s energy sector will be our first priority”, said Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky who arrived in Berlin on Monday night in order to attend the conference and met chancellor Olaf Scholz. Chancellor Scholz and I are going to talk about the continuation of the assistance in the defence sector, and ways of expanding Ukraine’s air sector and the joint arms production.” Zelensky wrote on a social network. Press agencies have recalled that Germany has recently authorised Ukraine to use German weapons to hit targets in Russia, something it used to be reluctant to in the past like many other countries for fear of conflict escalation. In Germany, Zelensky will be meeting federal president Frank Walter Steinmeier and the Bundestag president Barbel Bas and will be visiting a military base where Ukrainian soldiers are training. On Saturday and Sunday he will travel to Switzerland to attend a high level conference over peace in Ukraine, which brings together over 90 countries and organisations but not Russia and China.