Russia could put an end to the war of aggression against Ukraine, but it does not wish to do so, said the Romanian Foreign Minister, Luminiţa Odobescu, at the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland. The Romanian official explained that Moscow is politically, legally and morally responsible for the consequences of the war. Consequently, Odobescu pointed out, the Russian Federation must be judged by its deeds, not by its words. The final press release of the meeting reaffirms “the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine”. “We believe that in order to reach peace, the participation of all parties and dialogue between all parties is needed,” the document cited by FP states. It also emphasizes that “food security must not be militarized under any circumstances”, in the context in which the invasion of Ukraine, one of the main grain exporters in the world, had dramatic repercussions on the supply, as well as the stoppage of Russian fertilizer exports. Finally, the communiqué calls for the release of all prisoners of war, as well as the “illegally deported Ukrainian children”. 93 countries participated in the Summit, and the biggest absentees were Russia and China. The final declaration was signed by only 80 states. Among those that did not support the document are Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, India, Indonesia, the Vatican.