
Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky says he will hold peace talks with Russia “tomorrow” if Russian troops leave Ukrainian territory, but that Vladimir Putin is not willing to end the war. At the end of the Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland, where almost 100 world leaders discussed Kyiv’s peace proposals, president Zelensky said the final declaration may be used in the future peace talks. “Previous political generations have left us the U.N. Charter as a basis for the cooperation of peoples. We will pass to the next generations an effective mechanism to implement the U.N. Charter. And the communiqué adopted at the summit these days fully reflects our intention, and remains open for accession by everyone who respects the U.N. Charter,” said Volodymyr Zelensky. 93 countries attended the summit, but Russia and China were not there. The final declaration was, however, only signed by 80 countries, with Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, India, Indonesia and the Vatican among those that did not endorse the document.