Thursday, June 27, 2024

Radio Romania is taking part in the international fact-checking meeting GlobalFact, hosted by Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) in Sarajevo

One of the greatest challenges we face today is to counter misinformation online, which makes the ability to identify it and stop it from spreading all the more important. 500 experts in the fight against disinformation attend the GlobalFact World Content Verification Meeting in Sarajevo. Filipino Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa has called on tech platforms to act in order to protect democracy against misinformation spread by social media. Romanian journalist Carmen Ionescu, manager of the RADOR Radio Romania Agency, is present at the meeting.
Carmen Ionescu: The world’s largest annual conference of fact-checking journalists, fake news checkers, has begun in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. During the three days of this event, more than 100 speakers will animate the 60 panels of the summit, which is attended by over 500 fact-checkers from around the world. The debates are organized around several main themes, including: disinformation in the age of artificial intelligence, protecting democracy in the election year 2024, false information in social media, online disinformation campaigns. The event is organized by the Poynter Institute in the United States, the founder of the international fact-checking network – IFCN, as it is known. Since 2015, IFCN has established a code of conduct for fact-checking that has been adhered to by more than 100 quality media around the world. Radio Romania, by means of the RADOR Press Agency, has joined the world media’s effort to combat disinformation since June 16.

The second day of the international fact-checking meeting hosted by Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) in Sarajevo

The second day of the international fact-checking meeting concerning the verification of media content hosted by Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) in Sarajevo has brought to the attention of the 500 participants workshops and presentations that analyze the impact of the Artificial Intelligence in the media sector. Carmen Ionescu, the manager of Radio Romania’s Rador Press Agency, has taken part in today’s debates and has come with details for Radiojurnal.
Carmen Ionescu: Nikita Ray, from the Harvard University, has spoken about the distorsions that articifial intelligence could produce in the 2024 electoral year, where elections are held in more than 60 countries. She offered as example a fake speech by President Biden, where he announced a four-fold increase of taxes for the Americans and also a number of fake images with the Moldovan President Maia Sandu. However, artificial Intelligence brings some advantages for journalists. They can transform texts and images in video files, they could translate and write any type of texts and they can create content for websites in just a few minutes, thus saving time and resources. Nevertheless, the use of artificial intelligence has to be transparent for our public and some ethic rules have to be enforced. GlobalFact 11 is proffessional conference organized by Poynter Institute in the United States, the founder of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). It is held in the Bosnian capital. Radio Romania, by means of the Rador Press Agency, has joined the world media’s effort to combat disinformation since June 16.

Trilateral format on security issues Romania-Poland-Turkey in Warsaw

The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Luminița Odobescu has taken part along with her Polish and Turkish counterparts at the meeting of the trilateral format on security issues Romania-Poland-Turkey in Warsaw on Wednesday. According to a statement, the three ministers discussed security developments, focusing on the impact of the war of aggression launched by Russia against Ukraine. A distinct theme was related to the support needed by the Republic of Moldova, the state which is most exposed to the negative consequences of the war, according to the statement. Minister Odobescu emphasized the stake of continuing practical support for Ukraine and spoke about the multidimensional significance of the Black Sea, underlining the need for sequential measures so that this sea could have an open character.

The Sibiu International Theater Festival is hosting more than 80 events on Thursday

The Sibiu International Theater Festival continues today with more than 80 scheduled events. The famous American actor John Malkovich will take the stage today in the performance „In the loneliness of the cotton fields”. Chekhov’s Uncle Vania will also be performed by the actors of the „Satiricus Ion Luca Caragiale” National Theater from the Republic of Moldova. The „Stela Popescu” Theater from Bucharest presents a concert-show directed by Răzvan Mazilu, and the Austrian theater brings to Sibiu the show „Carpathians like spots on my skin”. Street performances will animate the medieval squares and the pedestrian area of ​​Sibiu. There will also be concerts of Gaspol, Portuguese fado, and as of 10:30 p.m. a band from Spain will hold a concert on the stage in Sibiu’s Great Square.

Mădălina Brotăcel/mbrotacel