Newsflash RRI

NATO – The NATO summit that begins today in Washington is expected to be dominated by the war in Ukraine and Russia’s threats, especially after the recent massive Russian attack on several Ukrainian cities, resulting in dozens of deaths. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is expected to participate in the summit, has called on the allies to respond more firmly to Russia’s attacks by strengthening his country’s air defense. For his part, US President Joe Biden said that the North Atlantic Alliance will announce new measures to help Ukraine protect its cities and civilians. Romania, represented by President Klaus Iohannis, will reaffirm its firm support for Ukraine, including with regard to NATO accession. Also, the Romanian President will plead for the continuation of support for the Alliance’s vulnerable partners, the Republic of Moldova in particular, and for increasing their capacity to respond to hybrid threats. The summit agenda will include three meetings at the highest level of the North Atlantic Council, including in formats with Ukraine, the European Union and NATO partners in the Indian – Pacific area, as well as an anniversary event on the occasion of NATO’s 75th anniversary.

Mourning – The Ukrainian Ambassador to Bucharest, Ihor Prokopciuk, participated, on Monday, in a spontaneous action of mourning for the victims of Monday’s Russian attacks on the cities of the neighboring country, including on a children’s hospital in Kyiv. According to the diplomatic mission in Bucharest, the event was attended by Ukrainian diplomats, Ukrainian citizens who found shelter in Romania and Romanians. Ambassador Prokopciuk has strongly condemned Russian terrorism and stated that despite its brutal attacks, Russia will not succeed in defeating the Ukrainian nation, which will continue to fight for its independence and territorial integrity.