Friday, 19 July, 2024

Romanian Prime Minister convened an energy command

Prime Minister of Romania Marcel Ciolacu convened an energy command on Friday morning, after a difficult period in which the National Energy System has been under pressure due to the heat wave. There have been problems with meeting consumption needs, but the distribution infrastructure is raising the biggest questions as it is overstretched during periods of high temperatures, when electricity consumption is much higher than during normal periods. „This week, on a regular basis, I spoke with the Minister of Energy, Mr. Sebastian Burduja, who has been extremely active and has been in constant consultation with producers and distributors. I would like to thank all the workers in the national energy system, state and private companies, for their efforts to get through this difficult phase with as few problems as possible for Romanians,” said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu. The meeting also discussed covering consumption needs during difficult periods, and the Minister of Energy gave assurances last night that all solutions are being evaluated to increase national electricity production, in order to avoid resorting to larger and more expensive imports, but more serious problems could be generated by energy infrastructure with old power lines and transformers. According to the latest report by the National Energy Regulatory Authority, Transelectrica’s energy transmission network has about 83% of its lines commissioned in the 70s, and most transformers were also commissioned before 2000. However, Minister Sebastian Burduja also gave assurances that there is no risk of large-scale power cuts in the country.

Romania to accelerate investments in the national electricity transmission and distribution network

Investments in the national electricity transmission and distribution network must be accelerated, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu told participants of the energy command, which he convened at the Victoria Palace on Friday. A plan with immediate and medium-term measures is to be finalized in order to ensure the energy necessary for the consumption of citizens and the economy, regardless of weather conditions, and the next 5 years are considered critical in terms of investment in energy infrastructure – this is the opinion of the representatives of energy utilities companies who attended the meeting. The National Energy System needs substantial investments in the next 5 years, more than 10 million euro, investments that can prevent possible situations caused by weather phenomena, the situation in the energy market or in the field, said the Executive Director of the Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies, Daniela Dărăban. She explained that, at the moment, the National Energy System is resilient, but investments need to be reflected on several levels. „In both transmission and distribution, investments need to be made to ensure that old networks are replaced by new ones, we need to reinforce networks. We have investments in digitalization, in flexibilization. The next 5 years are critical from this point of view. For the energy sector, if we manage in these 5 years to make the right decisions, I believe that only then will we be able to talk about realizing the potential of this sector. The rest will remain on paper”, said Daniela Dărăban.

Heatwave and fires hit Romania

Four people died this week in Botosani county, in northern Romania, due to excessive heat. They were exposed to the sun for a long time, became hyperthermic and then went into cardio-respiratory arrest. Criminal investigations into suspicious deaths have been opened and police have requested autopsies. And also because of the very high temperatures, vegetation fires are becoming more frequent and are affecting large areas. The number of vegetation fires in Romania in June this year was almost three times higher than in the same period last year, reports the National Agency for Environmental Protection. Although the authorities have also taken action on the ground and carried out checks in the first six months of the year, 60 fires have already been recorded, while 82 such incidents occurred in the whole of 2023. In Tulcea county, in south-east of the country, more than 900 hectares of vegetation have caught fire since the beginning of this week, including in the Danube Delta. Another forest fire broke out yesterday in Jiu River Gorge, in the „Crone’s Daughter” area. The blaze covered an area of about 10,000 square meters and the area is difficult to access. Firefighters from Brasov spent two days trying to put out the forest fire in Ucea. A Black Hawk helicopter from the Department for Emergency Situations was sent to help. The affected area reached 4,000 square meters. The area was difficult to access and firefighters had to walk and carry water to extinguish the fire in special backpacks. Also yesterday, firefighters intervened with 8 fire engines to liquidate a dry vegetation fire on Sergent Ilie Petre street in Chiajna, Ilfov county. An area of about 2,500 square meters was affected. In Olt county there have also been about 10 large fires a day in the last week, which have been very difficult for firefighters to tackle. The rains have also caused problems – 12 cars traveling last night on National Road 22 D, near the village of Horia in Tulcea county, were swept away by a torrent. Traffic was blocked in the area for almost an hour, but no one in the vehicles was injured. And this morning in the capital it rained heavily in several neighborhoods and the water on the road made traffic difficult. The atmospheric instability worsens today. In an hour’s time a code yellow for heavy rain, thunderstorms and hail in Oltenia, western and north-western Muntenia and southern Banat will come into force until 23:00 tonight. From tomorrow the heat wave eases. However, heat warnings remain in force for several areas of Moldova, Dobrogea, Dobrogea, Crișana, Transylvania, Oltenia and Muntenia until Sunday. Today the hottest will be in the counties of Mehedinți, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Călărași, Ilfov and in the capital Bucharest. Starting from Saturday the code orange will be restricted, and it will affect only the counties of Dolj, Olt and Teleorman.

Romania included pneumococcal vaccine on the list of free medicines

The Romanian government has included the pneumococcal vaccine on the list of free medicines. It is recommended in particular for children, the elderly, but also for patients with chronic diseases and immune system deficiencies. The 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine will be available to anyone who receives a doctor’s recommendation. The vaccine helps the body produce its own antibodies to protect against serious diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis.

Magda Baciu