Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Romanian firefighters assisted French firefighters estinguishing wildfire broke out in a tourist area in southern France

Romanian firefighters intervened on Tuesday to extinguish a dry vegetation fire in a tourist area in southern France. According to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, their mission was to limit the spread of the fire and maintain a protective line between the fire and the unaffected area. The area in which the mission was carried out is a tourist area, with an influx of people and many camping areas nearby. Around 100 Romanian firefighters, helped by two helicopters and a forest firefighting aircraft took part in the operation at the request of their French counterparts.

Romania – a credible regional, European and international actor, said Klaus Iohannis

Romania is a credible, committed and respected regional, European and international player, a provider of security and stability, said Romanian President Klaus Iohannis at the opening of the annual meeting of Romanian diplomacy. The head of state called for strengthening Romania’s role and influence in the European Union and NATO, deepening the strategic partnership with the United States and bilateral partnerships. Klaus Iohannis also said that Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area and land borders remains a priority, as does its accession to the OECD.

More than 50% of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan’s reforms have been completed

More than half of the reforms included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan have been completed, says the Minister of Investment and European Projects, Adrian Câciu. Another 23 reforms are in the process of implementation, and the remaining five reforms are scheduled to be accomplished in the second half of 2025 and the first half of 2026. In a post on a social network, Minister Adrian Câciu mentioned some of the reforms to be completed: the laws on justice, education and pensions, the fight against corruption and the digitalization of the National Agency for Tax Administration (ANAF).

Titularization in pre-university education 2024 – results weaker than 2023

The results of the tenure exam in pre-university education in Romania are slightly worse this year compared to 2023, but they are still in line with the last few years, according to Professor Sorin Ion, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Education. Sorin Ion said that the situation can be improved by creating a strategy together with universities, because that is where the initial training of future teachers is taking place. „We are maintaining the bar in terms of entry into the system, even if there is a greater need for some subjects than others. And I am referring here to the disciplines: exact sciences, mathematics, physics, where is emerging a certain shortage of teachers at national level, but we cannot afford to lower the standards for access to the system, especially for access for an indefinite period,” said Sorin Ion. The Romanian official added: „Obviously we want more and our aim is for initial teacher training to increase in quality. This is something we obviously hope to see happen in the coming years.” This year, less than 42% of the candidates who took the tenure exam scored above 7, compared to more than 50% in last year’s exam. To obtain permanent tenure, candidates must score a minimum of 7 in both the written and practical tests, and at least 5 in each of the tests is required for substitutes. The final results will be published on July 31, and the allocation of posts will take place between August 1 and 6.

Magda Baciu