July 29, 2024

Romanian Prime Minister calls for changes to a law on employing people with disabilities

Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is calling for a change in the law which stipulates that local authorities must employ people with disabilities. Prime Minister Ciolacu proposes to increase the role of the National Council on Disability, so that the right to work and the right to be involved in society of these people is truly respected. „In all the capitals of the world we see such people employed both in the central administration, but especially in local administrations. I believe that if you do not have the possibility to hire, this is for you, the National Council, to tell us. If a local authority chooses not to apply this law, then they must have a denial form from you. And I will propose this amendment in the legislation, because the right to work and the right to be involved in society is the most important and many of you want to have this right,” said Marcel Ciolacu. Prime Minister Ciolacu made the statements at the signing of the partnership „Equal chances for an independent life”, concluded between the National Council for Disability in Romania and the National Authority for Consumer Protection.

Romanian couples and single women with fertility problems have a new chance to have children

Couples and single women who have fertility problems have a new chance to increase their family. Enrolment has started for the program to increase the birth rate in Romania, which provides the funds needed to perform 10,000 in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. The financial support, amounting to a maximum of 15,000 lei per beneficiary, is given in the form of vouchers, which can be used for medicines and medical procedures. The conditions, necessary documents and application procedure are explained on the website of the Ministry of Family mfamilie.gov.ro. The most recent data from the National Institute of Statistics and the Romanian Human Reproduction Association show that 17% of the fertile population has been unable or is unable to have children. Only one in five couples want to have a baby as soon as possible, down from 2018, and almost 53% of couples have failed to get pregnant despite trying for more than a year. „A couple is considered infertile after a year of unprotected sex between the two partners and pregnancy has not occurred. The causes of infertility include lifestyle,” explains infertility specialist Dr. Corina Gică. „A society with economic growth will have patients who will want to focus more on business life, work and so on, industrialization. All this leads to a decrease in patients’ desire to want to have a pregnancy at this time, plus raising a child can be expensive, and a couple who can’t afford it may decide to postpone it until later. Then we also have the toxic factors that we are subjected to or disorganized eating, and then we have the infectious factors and perhaps having more unprotected relationships, which leads to more pelvic inflammatory disease for both men and women. It’s also important for infertile couples to get out of the house, expose themselves to the sun’s rays. The body needs sunshine for optimal functioning,” explained Corina Gică.

National Anthem Day in Romania celebrated with numerous events and ceremonies

National Anthem Day is being celebrated on Monday with numerous events and ceremonies in all garrisons across the country. The national anthem „Deșteaptă-te romane!” („Wake up Romanian”) was first officially sung in 1848 in Parcul Zăvoiului (Meadow Park) in Râmnicu Vâlcea city. It is the place where today, 176 years after that moment, dozens of residents came to honor the National Anthem. „This day is special not only for us, but for all those who tread Romanian soil. It means everything. We should respect the place we tread on,” said one participant of the events in Rȃmnicu Vȃlcea.

Suspect migrant smugglers and dozens of undocumented foreigners found after raids in western Romania

Five suspected migrant smugglers and 30 undocumented foreigners have been traced following raids on Monday morning in the western Romanian counties of Timis and Arad. The raids took place at four addresses where the migrants – from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and other countries – were being sheltered until they were to be smuggled out of the country to western European states. Sources among investigators say the smugglers had already smuggled several migrants out of the country, hiding them in trucks. The illegal migrants were taken to the Romanian Border Police for investigation and the suspect smugglers were taken to the DIICOT Timisoara headquarters for investigations.

Magda Baciu