Tuesday, September 3, 2024

MEP Roxana Mînzatu is the proposal for the position of European Commissioner, which resides with Romania

Two days late, Ursula von der Leyen yesterday finalized her list of European commissioner proposals received from member countries, after Belgium also announced its candidate yesterday. From the Romanian side, in place of Victor Negrescu, social-democratic MEP Roxana Mînzatu also appeared yesterday. Now comes the division of portfolios, where the difficult negotiation between European political families overlaps with member countries’ choices for certain portfolios, as well as Ursula von der Leyen’s wishes to distribute her commissioners in the right places to achieve her policy goals. A fixed landmark is the future occupant of the position of head of European foreign policy, where negotiations between political families have already appointed former Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. Including this, along with the rest of the designated commissioners, will be heard at the end of this month by the European Parliament committees, which, as it has happened in the past, can reject certain candidacies. At least for now, as the list compiled by „Politico” shows, out of the 27 European Commissioners, only eight are women, so the gender parity initially desired by the head of the commission is a missed goal, despite all the efforts of Romania or Bulgaria.
MEP Roxana Mînzatu is the proposal for the position of European Commissioner, which belongs to Romania, and the nomination was sent to Brussels. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu stated that in the next period he will talk with the head of the future European Commission about the portfolio and assured that it will be a relevant one. The Prime Minister pointed out that the domain designation belongs to Ursula von der Leyen.
Marcel Ciolacu: From my point of view, the most important is the future portfolio that will be taken over by the commissioner appointed by Romania and less the person. Truly, I have discussions with Madam President only regarding the future portfolio that Romania will represent. The portfolio announcement attribute belongs to the committee chair, not me. Madam President does not appoint a commissioner until she has an interview with that person. What is important is the opinion that the president of the commission had, a laudatory one towards Mrs. Roxana Mînzatu, after an hour and a half interview.
The liberals, the coalition partners, are waiting to see which field will return to Romania and propose the portfolio for expansion or the one for agriculture. Roxana Mînzatu has a great experience in the field of European funds acquired as a result of the activity both in the private sector, in the non-governmental sector, and through the public positions she held, including as minister of European funds in the Dăncilă Government.
Initially, for the nomination from Romania, the name of Victor Negrescu, current vice-president of the European Parliament, was discussed. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, did not give up the initial request for a female proposal from Romania.
The composition of the future European Executive will be announced on September 11.

AUR asks for the support of the opposition parties to submit a motion of censure against the Ciolacu Government

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians requests the support of the opposition parties to submit a no-confidence motion against the current cabinet. The President of AUR, George Simion, stated that the reasons for this approach are related to the increase in the budget deficit, the recalculation of pensions and the so-called electoral notices given by the Ciolacu Government.
George Simion: Under the guise of a recalculation, the Ciolacu Government shows incompetence and attacks our parents and grandparents, those who left us a debt-free country. The Ciolacu government only increased the external debt way too much. We leave it up to our opposition colleagues, we can negotiate the text, we have no preferences, as long as the motion is submitted. We believe at this moment, taking into account the tensions in the coalition, that we can bring down the incompetent Ciolacu government, not for any other reason, but to stop the election reminders and the increase in the budget deficit.
Also the president of Forța Dreptei, deputy Ludovic Orban, announced the possibility of submitting a motion of censure, stating that he will discuss with all the political formations that do not want Marcel Ciolacu to run for the presidency from the position of prime minister, which, in his opinion, would favor this one.

The International Classical Music Competition „George Enescu” received the patronage of the Presidency of Romania

The „George Enescu” International Classical Music Competition – in its 19th edition in Bucharest – received the patronage of the Romanian Presidency on Monday. On this occasion, the Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, spoke about the evaluation of the traditional sections of the competition, to which this year the master classes were added.
This novelty of masterclasses is part of the line that I tried to impress on all the cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, once I took over the mandate of the Minister of Culture, because the integration of young people in the cultural activity of cultural institutions, of cultural events, not just the performance at certain moments on stage, practically leads to loyalty and an increase in the attachment of these young people to institutions or events. This is a tool of education through culture and a chance for young people to get on one of the stages of the „Enescu” Festival. Education through culture is also a priority of this mandate.
At this year’s edition of the „George Enescu” International Competition, 667 musicians signed up – a record number – between the ages of 13 and 35