
Romania needs to complement legislation on reaction to the entry into its airspace of hostile or unauthorised drones is the conclusion of a meeting of the Senate’s defence committee with representatives of the defence ministry, said the committee chair Nicoleta Pauliuc. She added that talks focused on the need to urgently pass new legislation that allows the defence ministry to fulfil its missions. “There is no risk of us not being able to fulfil our missions, our airspace is defended given that we are in NATO”, said explained. The defence ministry spokesman Constantin Spînu gave assurances that Romania’s airspace is well defended at the moment. However, the legislation in the field needs to be improved. The package of laws on national security will soon be adopted by the government and later sent to Parliament, he added. The debate was sparked after a number of Russian drones have this year ended up illegally in the Romanian airspace, in the context of the war in neighbouring Ukraine.