Thursday, September 26, 2024

Braşov is considered the most attractive city in Romania for living

Brașov is considered the most attractive city in Romania for living among all county seat municipalities, followed by Cluj-Napoca and Oradea, according to the urban attractiveness index carried out by the Institute for Visionary Cities, which evaluated the intention to move and the general perception of the quality of life , both from the perspective of those living in big cities and non-residents. The top five is completed by Sibiu and Timișoara, followed by Constanța, Bucharest, Iași, Alba Iulia and Piatra Neamț. The authors of the study also note that opportunities for spending free time proved to be the most important in the arguments of those who responded, surpassing traditional factors such as well-paid jobs or infrastructure, which nevertheless appeared in second place, followed by the city’s ability to foster creativity and innovation.

Over 1,000 people from the countryside will benefit from free medical tests

More than 1,000 people from the countryside will benefit, during the next month, from free medical tests as part of the „I haven’t done enough” caravan, initiated by the Federation of Associations of Cancer Patients. The investigations are aimed at detecting oncological diseases and will be carried out by specialist doctors and nurses, but also by students and pupils at health schools. The results of the analyzes will be interpreted by specialists, who will be able to recommend more detailed tests where appropriate. In addition, patients will be in constant dialogue with doctors and volunteers about the importance of prevention, they will receive informative leaflets and brochures.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has significantly lowered the estimates regarding the evolution of the Romanian economy in 2024

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has significantly lowered the estimates regarding the evolution of the Romanian economy in 2024. Thus, Romania’s GDP will grow by only 1.4% this year – less than half of the 3.2% estimate advanced in the spring. The decline is influenced by the slowdown in the IT sector and the stagnation of industrial production. On the other hand, infrastructure investment will continue to support growth, even with inflation of 5.8% – the highest in the European Union. The EBRD warns that the extremely low level of absorption of European funds represents a risk to economic growth prospects, and in 2025 Romania’s Gross Domestic Product will grow by 2.6% – almost 1% below the previously forecasted level of 3.4 %./aboboc

Adelina Boboc – RADOR