Immigrants from Syria and Iraq caught while trying to illegally cross the Romanian border
Several citizens from Iraq and Syria were found at Nadlac II border crossing in Romania. The 91 people – 44 men, 18 women and 29 children – were hidden in a truck carrying car pieces and intended to cross illegally in order to reach a Schengen area member state. The truck was registered in Turkey and the driver was a Turkish citizen. According to papers presented to the authorities, the truck was carrying car pieces for a Norwegian company. The Iraqi and Syrian citizens are investigated for illegal border crossing and the Turkish driver is accused of complicity.
President Klaus Iohannis has named Mihai Tudose as the new Romanian Prime Minister
The Romanian President Klauss Iohannis has asked the governing coalition’s nominee, Mihai Tudose, to form a new government. Mr. Iohannis has called on the political parties to start working immediately on an agenda that would allow the parliamentary procedures to be finalized this week, arguing that the current political crisis is harmful for the economy and Romania’s image abroad. Talks are due on Tuesday in the governing coalition to decide the cabinet’s composition and on Wednesday the National Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Party will meet to validate the list of ministers.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has launched an investment scheme for buildings in Romania
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has launched on Tuesday a new scheme to finance the energetic streamlining of buildings in Romania. The program is offering 100 million euros worth of loans to finance the purchase of equipment and materials in the residential sector, to increase the energetic efficiency of the buildings. EBRD’s Director for Romania and Bulgaria, Matteo Patrone, has said that this is the first time that the bank is financing investments for energetic efficiency in the residential sector. Credits could be accessed by means of local partner banks in Romania. The first financial institution that has joined the program so far is Transylvania Bank.
Mădălina Brotăcel, RADOR