Tons of clothes collected by volunteer firemen in Harghita

The Association of Volunteer Firemen in Harghita, in partnership with the ISU representants în Suceava have tried to cover at least part of the things Ukrainian refugees coming at Siret border crossing need.
This week, they have started a wide collecting campaign, based on a list sent by ISU Suceava. So far, they had good results and transported tons of clothes to Siret border crossing, said Alberts Csaba, the president of the association. “We have collected 7 tons of blankets, big and small, children clothing, from new-born babies to 15-year-old, in almost one day and a half, from Harghita county. We have taken them to Siret border crossing point and, at the moment, we continue collecting donations and taking them at the border”, he said.
People in Harghita cat contribute to helping people arriving at Siret border crossing point by donating at the headquarters of the Association of Volunteer Firemen in Odorheiu Secuiesc./aionita