
 The war in Ukraine and its consequences on the economies and lives of European citizens are being discussed by the EU heads of state and government also on the 2nd day of the Versailles summit organized by the French presidency of the EU Council. Romania is represented at the summit by President Klaus Iohannis. The EU continues to provide humanitarian, medical and financial assistance to the refugees from Ukraine and to their host countries, European leaders said in a statement today. They reiterated that the EU would provide protection to all Ukrainian refugees. At the same time, the EU is calling on Russia to abide by international humanitarian rules and to ensure the safety of civilians who want to leave the country and to allow humanitarian aid to reach victims and those seeking refuge in Ukraine without any obstacle. On the other hand, the 27 officials continue today to discuss the plan proposed by the European Commission, which provides for the reduction, by two thirds, this year, of the Russian gas imports, so that by 2030 no EU country should buy any more hydrocarbons from Russia. The Russian gas accounts for more than 40% of European consumption and four complementary options are currently being considered: imports from other countries, diversification of energy sources – liquefied gas and shale gas, making consistent gas stocks before each winter and accelerating the development of energy from non-polluting sources. (Radio Romania international)