Friday, September 15, 2023

The European Commission has oficially closed the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria and Romania

The European Commission officially closed the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria and Romania on Friday. The mechanism had been introduced in 2007, upon the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union, as a transitory measure to facilitate progress in the reform of the justice system and anti-corruption measures, as well as regarding organized crime in the case of Bulgaria. The Commission has now repealed the two decisions that established this mechanism. President Ursula von der Leyen congratulated Romania and Bulgaria for the important progress made since their accession to the European Union, and she said that the rule of law was one of the fundamental values that we all share in this Union and both Romania and Bulgaria had advanced considerably in this field, making important reforms during those years. The head of the European Commission also said that the time had come to recognize those efforts, putting an end to the cooperation and verification mechanism. The activities in these areas can now continue within the annual cycle on the rule of law, as is the case for all member states, the Commission head has said.

Romania is the European state with the highest level of labor taxation

Among the European Union member states, Romania has the highest level of labor taxation for people with low incomes and families with children. However, taxation is very low and with huge tax privileges for certain categories of taxpayers who earn a lot. These remarks were made today by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, at the National Bank, where a study was launched to examine the impact of the fiscal changes in the last eight years. The Prime Minister noted that one of the conclusions of the study was the fact that in the last eight years there had been over 550 changes to the Fiscal Code, by means of more than a hundred laws, ordinances and emergency ordinances. The Prime Minister emphasized that it is not possible to operate effectively under these conditions.
Marcel Ciolacu: It is obvious that all our tax legislation today resembles a huge colander through which billions of euros flow unhindered in a system of aberrant tax exceptions. We cannot wish for a European country like outside, with offshore economy type incomes, i.e. a tax haven country, but with expenses like in the European social model. We must introduce a tax system based on fairness, equity and respect for the honest taxpayer who pays his taxes correctly and total intolerance for tax evaders. And I will take responsibility for a tax reform that includes much of the very correct principles of those who made this study.

Romania will challenge Austria at the European Union Court of Justice, Prime Minister Ciolacu says

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has announced that Romania will challenge Austria at the Court of Justice of the European Union due to the veto on Romania’s Schengen admission and will demand compensation of at least two percent of the Gross Domestic ProdRomania will resort to this measure if there is no amicable solution and the Austrian Government insists on abusing its right of veto, the Prime Minister wrote in a post on Facebook on Friday. He believes that Austria’s position does not take into account the criteria that Romania has already met to join the free movement area and its decision is arbitrary and unjustified. MEP Eugen Tomac has also stated in an online post that the only way that the Bucharest authorities have at their disposal to enter Schengen as quickly as possible is a trial at the European Union Court of Justice. He has suggested to Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu not to wait until the JAI Council in December, saying he is convinced that nothing will change until then.

Mădălina Brotăcel – RADOR RADIO ROMÂNIA/mbrotacel