Romania’s Defense Minister Angel Tîlvăr on Monday met his British counterpart, Grant Shapps, during his visit to London. The two officials discussed prospects of consolidating and developing the strategic partnership between Romania and the UK, the security context in the Black Sea region, the Russian Federation’s aggression in Ukraine and topics on the NATO agenda. „We discussed ways to consolidate cooperation with regard to consolidating NATO’s defense and deterrence posture on the Eastern Flank, implementing the NATO Strategic Concept and the need to continue exchanges with a view to better understand the specific challenges of each region”, Minister Tîlvăr said. In his talks with Grant Shapps, the Romanian Defense Minister also expressed concern regarding the security of the Black Sea region, generated by a dangerous escalations caused by Russia’s withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative. On the other hand, Minister Tîlvăr hailed the UK’s contribution to consolidating Allied postures on the Eastern Flank, particularly in the Black Sea region, which he described as a clear expression of Allied solidarity and unity. The UK’s participation in air policing missions in Romania, its future engagements and exercises at bilateral and multilateral level are but a few examples of this contribution, the Romanian official said.

Eugen Cojocariu, Radio Romania International