Monday, January 15 2024

Romania’s National Culture Day

Romania celebrates its National Culture Day on January 15. The day is also marking the birth of Romania’s national poet Mihai Eminescu, an icon of the country’s culture and literature also seen as the last representative of Romanticism in European poetry. The Radio Romania ActualitățI (RRA)’s programme ‘Morning Call’ is expected to host Ioan-Aurel Pop, a historian and scholar also President of Romania’s Academy. Radio Romania Muzical’s performer of the day is famous conductor Sergiu Celibidache while special programmes are also scheduled on Radio 3 Net, Antena Satelor, RRI (Radio Romania Internatonal), and other departments. Radio Romania’s Rador News Agency is also expected to launch an extensive documentary marking the day.

Further protests of dozens transporters and farmers in Romania

Dozens of Romanian transporters and farmers in the south-western county of Mehedinți took out their vehicules on national roads on Monday, January 15. Romanian truck drivers and farmers slowed traffic around several cities, including capital Bucharest, voicing a string of grievances from high tax rates to slow compensations payouts. Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister Florin Barbu is holding talks in the capital with representatives of farmers’ associations. In their sixth day of action, protesters also gathered at boder areas, temporarily blocking the north-eastern border with Ukraine. Authorities in Bucharest have prevented protesters to enter the city citing a lack of permits for the protest. After talks on Saturday with agriculture and transportaion ministers, protesters hold firther talks at Romania’s Finance Minsitry.

24 criminal charges against protesters

Romanian Police has filed 24 criminal charges following messages on X (former Whats App) released by participants in recent prostest in Romania, according to a statement on Monday by Romanian Police Inspectorate (IGPR) chief Benone Marian Matei. Mr. Matei also relesed excerpts of messages where perpatrators incited violent actions against the Romanian police and authorities. ”In co-operation with Romania’s Gendarmerie, the police are trying to prevent further violence and protect people, as compliance with the Law is not optional”, IGPR chief said.

Alexandru Danga