
The sanctions against Russia are working, despite the difficulties, Romania’s foreign minister Luminiţa Odobescu told Agerpres news agency. She attended an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels where talks focused, among others, on the 13th package of sanctions against Russia and a possible clearer roadmap for EU accession for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Referring to the military support forUkraine, Odobescu said comprise proposals were on the table and that she hoped an agreement would soon be reached on this subject. The meeting in Brussels also tackled the Union’s relationship with Turkey. Odobescu said Turkey is an indispensable partner for the European Union and a NATO ally who plays an important role in ensuring Black Sea security, while also being a key partner in managing a number of global challenges. In another move, the Romanian official said the needs of the Palestinian civilians would continue to be a priority for Romania, in the context of an investigation concerning UNWRA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Until this investigation is over, the foreign ministry will not launch new procedures for voluntary contributions.