Friday, May 17, 2024

The government approved the granting of emergency aid in the amount of 1.3 million lei

In yesterday’s meeting, the government approved the granting of emergency aid, worth 1.3 million lei, to support more than 300 vulnerable families and single people. They have damaged homes or are in situations that can lead to an increase in the risk of social exclusion. The executive also approved the National Strategy to combat human trafficking, through which the authorities propose that, by the end of 2028, Romania will have a national system to combat this phenomenon. The strategy is built around four basic anti-trafficking pillars, namely: prevention, punishment, protection and partnership, and the novelty element consists in the implementation of an integrated government mechanism through which the necessary money will be allocated to protect and assist victims of trafficking of people.

The general job fair is in full swing in several cities in the country

The general job fair is in full swing in several cities in the country. More than 1,200 companies have registered for this event, which has already taken place in the capital and in the counties of Hunedoara, Harghita and Timiş. Approximately 22,000 positions are offered, of which 1,400 are for people with higher education in the field of engineering, economics, architecture, construction. For those without higher education, the most jobs offered are unskilled worker, security guard, commercial worker, cargo handler. Young people at risk of social marginalization, as well as Ukrainian citizens, are also expected at the Job Exchange.

The Plenary of the Superior Council of Magistracy will appoint the prosecutors who will carry out the criminal investigation in cases concerning magistrates

The Plenary of the Superior Council of Magistracy will appoint the prosecutors who will carry out the criminal investigation in cases concerning the magistrates. A draft law in this sense was adopted by the Government and is to be sent to the Parliament for debate and approval. The Ministry of Justice explained that the measure is necessary because after the abolition of the Criminal Investigation Section, Romania has only 32 prosecutors who can handle such cases, while another 27 positions are still unfilled. Last year, investigations were carried out in almost 6,700 files, having as their object criminal acts committed by magistrates, and almost half were in progress at the beginning of this year.

Alexandra Ioniță