Thursday, 18 July, 2024

Romanian President to participate in the fourth meeting of the European Political Community in the UK

President Klaus Iohannis attends in the fourth meeting of the European Political Community in the United Kingdom on Thursday. The themes on the agenda are security in Europe, support for Ukraine, migration issues, safeguarding democracy and promoting energy security. 40 heads of state or government and heads of the European institutions and NATO will be present at the meeting. The European Political Community is a platform for political coordination launched two years ago amid Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The Romanian presidency has announced that Klaus Iohannis will continue to express Romania’s support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Klaus Iohannis will participate in the working group on energy and connectivity, and he will call for a balance between the green transition and energy security in Europe and will emphasize that the Black Sea is important for regional energy interconnectivity.

The Romanian government is working to qualify Romania for the US Visa Waiver Program

The Romanian government launched the „We Qualify Romania” campaign on Thursday, whose objective, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said, is to allow Romanians access to the Visa Waiver program. The chief executive says there is a very good chance that the campaign will be successful. „We propose, making an analogy with football, to qualify Romania in the Visa Waiver program, with the destination to travel to the United States without visas. There is a huge opportunity, valid only until September 30. That is why I ask all Romanian citizens who have valid B-1 or B-2 visas and those who have had such a visa to apply for visa renewal”, said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu.

Unstable weather and scorching temperatures continues in Romania, warn meteorologists

Almost all over Romania a yellow code of atmospheric instability has been issued from Thursday until Friday morning. During this period, there will be intensified winds and gales, hail, thunderstorms and torrential downpours. But the south of the country and the capital Bucharest remain under a red code of heatwave, with temperatures expected to climb to 40 degrees Celsius. Although the heat wave will gradually subside in the coming days, the effects of the extreme temperatures are still being felt. Vegetation fires are becoming more frequent and affecting large areas. In Tulcea county, more than 900 hectares of vegetation burned since the beginning of this week, including in the Danube Delta. In Olt county there have also broke out around 10 large fires a day, which have been very difficult for firefighters to tackle. Hundreds of hectares of scrubland in Olt county have been scorched in recent weeks due to uncontrolled fires and high temperatures. „In the last 48 hours alone, the operational teams of the Olt Emergency Situations Inspectorate have acted to extinguish 14 fires of dry vegetation and stubble, and the affected area is over 50 hectares. According to the legislation in force, it is forbidden to burn stubble, reeds or grassy vegetation without the consent of the environmental protection authorities and without informing the emergency services,” said Alin Băsășteanu, spokesman for the Olt Emergency Situations Inspectorate. Since the beginning of July, there have broke out almost 70 dry vegetation fires in Romania, affecting more than 300 hectares./mbaciu

Magda Baciu – RADOR