Wednesday, September 25, 2024

2.3 million Romanians are diagnosed with a chronic respiratory disease

Approximately 2.3 million Romanians are diagnosed with a chronic respiratory disease, said the rector of the „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Viorel Jinga, at a profile conference, organized in the context of the World Day of the Lungs. He emphasized the importance of developing medical prevention in the education system and stated that lung diseases are one of the main causes of mortality worldwide. Viorel Jinga recalled that millions of illnesses are caused by the genetic background, smoking, infections, pollution and stress. The President of the Romanian Pulmonology Society, Florin Mihălţan, showed that the 3 categories of difficult to manage diseases are: COPD, asthma and lung cancer.

Romanian Waters announces that the flow of the Danube at the entrance to the country is almost double the multi-annual average of September

Romanian Waters announces that the flows of the Danube at the entrance to the country are today at the value of 6,600 cubic meters per second, almost double the multi-annual average of September, and in the coming days they will increase, reaching the maximum value of 8,000 meters cubic per second on October 1st. The new forecast, also made with specialists from Hungary and Serbia, shows that the flood is more mitigated compared to the initial estimates. In a post on Facebook, Apele Române points out that thousands of bags, materials and equipment are close to the Romanian sector of the Danube and that the 1,100 kilometers of dams under the administration, as well as the vulnerable points, which were, depending on the situation, consolidated. In Giurgiu County, there was erosion at the Prundu dam, which was repaired.
The sensitive areas of the dyke sector on the Danube have been identified, says the prefect of Giurgiu, Florentina Stănculescu.
Florentina Stănculescu: In the town of Gostinu, the dams have undergone an erosion process, or rather, the banks of the Danube have undergone an erosion process, which would make it easier for the water to reach the dikes. And in Prundu there are galleries in the pier caused by badgers.
To prevent a future flood on the Danube, Romanian Water employees acted in vulnerable areas, says the spokesperson of the Argeș-Vedea Basin Administration, Ana Maria Dulică.
Ana Maria Dulică: On certain portions, such as the Gostinu-Greaca dammed area, Argeș, where the crown has suffered subsidence, earthworks have been completed. The dams in the Prundu area were inspected. The effects that the galleries dug by badgers could have on the safety of the dams were also analyzed on site, as well as possible solutions.
The representatives of Romanian Waters say that they have prepared a thousand sandbags to quickly respond to the situation. Also, the Giurgiu Prefecture asked the mayors of the riverside communes to warn in advance the people who carry out sheep farming and beekeeping activities on the banks of the Danube.

The signing ceremony for the military financing agreement from the United States took place at the Victoria Palace

The signing ceremony of the agreement for military financing from the United States took place today at the Victoria Palace. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and the American ambassador to Bucharest, Katheleen Kavalec, as well as the director of the Cooperation Agency for Security and Defense, Michael Miller, were present.
The 920 million dollars from the United States will allow both the strengthening of the defense capabilities of our country, by equipping the Romanian Armed Forces with modern equipment, and the development of the local defense industry, said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, mentioning that this loan it also significantly shows the trust, but also the status that our country enjoys in the relationship with its strategic partner, the United States.
Marcel Ciolacu: We will develop new production capacities in Romania, we will create jobs for Romanians and we will become relevant again in terms of the production of military equipment at the regional level. Katheleen Kavalec, the ambassador of the United States in Bucharest, said that the agreement signed today at the Victoria Palace is more than a simple financial agreement, as it represents the strength and resilience of the bilateral partnership, but also the common commitment to ensure peace, stability and security in region/aionita